

Puppy Linux Precord 6.1.2 mp3, ogg and wav recorder amd player

Puppy Linux Precord 6.1.2 mp3, ogg and wav recorder amd player

  •  Precord 6.1.2 mp3

Section A: Commandline usage

In a console enter command: precord --help
for brief commandline usage.

Section B: Pscheduler:

If Pscheduler is available, you can Add (or Edit) Task(s) of the form

  precord rec outfile.mp3 [duration]

to schedule when a recording session should start.

You can schedule any of the commands described by: precord --help

Section C: Alsa setup


1. For louder microphone recordings:

   Press MIXER button to bring up alsamixer and the VU meter, and using the cursor keys, move far over to the right hand side of the alsamixer window, and keep going right (often off the edge of the window). Around that location you may (or should?) find the 'Mic Boost' control (keyboard key 'M' toggles its activation). Using it greatly boosts your microphone sound recording level.

2. For Microphone recording, you should also activate the 'Mic' Capture device (space bar to activate) and sometimes (usually?) the generic device called 'Capture'.

3. You should turn up the amplitude setting of the device being used for 'Capture', but be careful you don't unwittingly turn up the Playback Mic volume rather than the capture one, or you may end up recording sound fed back to your mic from your blaring speakers! Pressing the Tab key such that you come to the alsamixer Capture window, before setting capture devices, may help you to avoid unnecessarily increasing the playback amplitude controls rather than the record ones.

4. As an alternative to recording from the microphone, you could select some other device to capture from (e.g. Line in). If you select 'Mix' (or perhaps 'Mono Mix', 'PCM' or 'Master'; depending on what your sound card provides) as the capture device you can record most anything passing through your sound card (for example: streaming radio as in 01micko's pupRadio program).

5. You'll be able to see from the running VU display window if, and when, you have your sound controls correctly set up (but turn off the VU display before actually recording or you'll end up with a blank recording!).


1. For Playback, you need to turn up the PCM device volume and at least the Master device volume. Note that key 'M' is also used to Mute devices.

Precord Plugins:

Version 6.0.0 and above provides a revolutionary (!) slave application plugin facility (one per main precord function). The facility allows precord to start up and shutdown virtually any application or script in response to precord button presses. For information on usage of slave plugins, read the provided /usr/share/precord/READMEplayslavedemo.txt.


To keep Precord as the top window, right-click on its window bar, and select Layer -> Top


コンソールで次のコマンドを入力します。precord - ヘルプ



  precord REC outfile.mp3[期間]


ヘルプ - precord:次の方法で説明するコマンドのいずれかをスケジュールすることができます










1。再生のためには、PCMデバイスの音量と、少なくともマスタデバイスのボリュームをオンにする必要があります。キー 'M'はまた、デバイスをミュートするために使用されていることに注意してください。


上記のバージョン6.0.0とは革命的な(!)スレーブアプリケーションプラグイン機能(主precord機能ごとに1つ)を提供します。施設はprecordの起動とシャットダウンボタンの押下をprecordに応答して、事実上あらゆるアプリケーションやスクリプトを可能にする。スレーブプラグインの使用方法については、提供を/ usr / share/ precord/ READMEplayslavedemo.txtをお読みください。


トップウィンドウとしてPrecordを維持するには、そのウィンドウのバーを右クリックし、[レイヤー]を選択 - >トップ

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